Two Sheriff Deputies Accidentally Tase Each Other

Two deputies were accidentally tasered when they tried to stop an out-of-control arrestee this morning.

Livingston County Undersheriff Michael Murphy said the deputies are fine and jail medical professionals are examining the arrestee, who has not been booked into the jail yet, to determine if he was coming down from drug use or having a psychotic break.

B9316977489Z.1_20150414134721_000_GJMAGKMED.1-0Murphy said the incident began at around 8:30 a.m. when deputies were booking in a second inmate who was temporarily housed in an intake cell with about six other people. Jail personnel buzzed open the cell door so the second man could re-enter the cell, and that’s when the arrestee walked out, Murphy said.

The arrestee, who was arrested last night by Green Oak Township police for felonious assault, became belligerent with deputies as he waved his arms and yelled that he was hearing voices, Murphy said.

Deputies placed the man in a single-person cell and he remained calm for a couple minutes before again becoming belligerent.

The man began fighting with four deputies as they tried to place him in a restraint chair in the estimated 8-foot-by-6-foot cell.

One deputy deployed his taser in an effort to bring the arrestee into compliance, but the probes struck a second deputy. A third deputy also tried to bring the man into compliance by using a drive stun — the taser without probes —and he accidentally got a fourth deputy.

The deputies were able to successfully get the arrestee into the chair.

Murphy said depending on the outcome of the mental evaluation, the department may seek charges against the arrestee for resisting police.

Murphy is not identifying the arrestee because he had not been officially booked into the jail and due to the possibility of charges.