Dry rot in the house

Any private house or country cottage is not only a cozy family nest, but also an object of large financial investments. Therefore, it will be a shame if, due to our hindsight or frivolity, it becomes not only a source of additional costs, but will also pose a danger to health and life itself.
In any case, it will be reasonable to protect yourself in advance from the appearance of all kinds of problems, one of which is the so-called dry rot repair that affects building wood.
By it is meant a common type of fungal disease that gradually weakens and destroys wood fibers. After some time, the affected wood becomes covered with cracks, becomes brittle and loses its strength properties. Old structures, the wooden parts of which have not yet been treated with high-quality protective agents, are especially susceptible to the negative effects of dry rot. To deal effectively with this scourge, you need to know three important things:
Where can she nest
There is some contradiction in the name of the fungus, since dry rot can not exist in the absence of moisture. Therefore, it would be logical to look for its traces in places with high humidity.
Outside the house you can find dry rot in the vicinity of damaged drains or drainpipes. Particular attention should be paid to the following places:
- wooden window sills;
- sections of walls near which there is a drainage system;
- areas where the foundation of the house is in contact with the blind area;
- any places where horizontal structural elements converge with vertical ones.
It is here that you should carefully examine the surface, paying attention to cracks, chips, color changes, which can serve as signs of dry rot. It is equally important to check the condition of the roof and attic, especially in places where there have recently been leaks. Particularly important is the control of places where the elements of the wooden structure are in contact with the ground.
Indoors, traces of dry rot should be sought near damaged water pipes, in closed attics, in damp basements, saunas and pools. The following areas require increased attention:
- wooden beams on the verandas, balconies, basements and rooms with pools;
- places where wooden structures are connected to masonry or stone wall;
- sections of the floor and walls around the bathtub and toilet bowl.
You can easily detect the disease with a screwdriver or an awl. If they penetrate deep into the layer of wood, and it easily peels off and cracks, then this can serve as a sign of fungal damage.
It happens that dry rot repair cost is hidden under the floor, plasterboard or siding. In this case, you should pay attention to minor changes in the color of the material, its density when pressed, as well as the appearance of a completely different sound when tapping.
What to do if you find a disease
Like any living organism, dry rot is constantly evolving, so the fight against it is better to start immediately. The first step is to detect and eliminate all sources of high humidity in the room.
All damaged wood should be removed, and the healthy part should be treated with effective antiseptics. In addition, you need to make sure that you are dealing with dry rot, and not with the consequences of the work of woodworm insects.
How to prevent the appearance of dry rot
Since the appearance and development of this fungal disease occurs in conditions of high humidity, it is necessary to take all measures to combat this phenomenon. To do this, the following activities should be carried out:
- provide reliable insulation and ventilation of the attic;
- equip baths, bathrooms and pools with a reliable and powerful ventilation system;
- carry out reliable waterproofing of the floor in the basement;
- check the serviceability of the drainage system and storm sewer;
- make sure the integrity of the foundation and the blind area around the house;
- check that the elements of the wooden siding of the building are not in contact with the soil, brickwork and the roof of the building;
- make sure that windows and doors are securely insulated;
- regularly check and update the protective layer of varnish or paint on wooden structural elements;
- periodically clean gutters and drains from debris.
If your area is characterized by frequent and heavy rainfall, then it would be better to install tanks to collect water under the drains or equip a reliable and sealed drainage system at a safe distance from your home.