Attorney Creates Tool to Help Prevent Unfair DUI Arrests

A Florida attorney claims a tool he’s created can help you avoid being falsely arrested for driving under the influence.
Defense attorney Warren Redlich created the Fair DUI Flyer, and recommends holding it up to the window along with your license, registration and proof of insurance when you are pulled over by police.
Redlich was in the news recently when he used the flyer himself at a DUI checkpoint in Boca Raton, Florida.
A critical component of how the flyer operates is in a driver’s refusal to speak to police — a right which is guaranteed by the 5th Amendment of the US Constitution. The front of the flyer reiterates this to police by stating that the driver is exercising their right to remain silent, along with legal code that shows they are also not required to sign anything or hand police their license.
Redlich points out that whether or not a person is arrested for a DUI is often up to an officer’s opinion, rather than whether or not they are actually intoxicated.
“The problem is when you speak, you can be completely sober and there are some officers who decide your voice doesn’t sound right. I’ve seen cases where people blow a 0.00 and the police said they smelled alcohol.”
— Warren Redlich
Redlich said his flyer is not a get-out-of-jail-free card, however, and that he doesn’t believe an intoxicated person would likely be able to calmly follow the directions on the card.
The Fair DUI Flyer is available for free on Redlich’s website, where copies that reference state-specific legal codes can be printed out.