Florida Cops Disciplined for Pulling Man Over in Armored Car After He Flipped Them Off

This story reported originally by Carlos Miller for Photography Is Not A Crime
The camoflauge-wearing Florida cops who made international news last month when they used an armored car to pull a man over for flipping them off were disciplined, including one Alachua County Sheriff’s Sergeant who was suspended without pay for a day.
Perhaps now they will acknowledge that citizens do that have the right to flip them off, even though we all can agree it is a rude gesture.
Even if they are dressed like Rambo to oversee an annual college football festival titled Orange and Blue Weekend.
Or perhaps they just need to “grow a thicker skin,” as the investigative report concluded, which was obtained by the Gainesville Sun last week.
Now the sergeant who initiated the traffic stop, Kevin Davis, will also have to write a new policy for the agency, which will outline the situations when the armored car, officially titled the Lenco Bearcat Armored Personnel Carrier (APC), will be allowed to make traffic stops. We hope he makes it clear that contempt-of-cop traffic stops are forbidden.
Sgt. Kevin Davis was issued one day of suspension without pay by Sheriff Sadie Darnell herself, and Deputy Richard Howell was given a written reprimand.
“Sgt. K. Davis is held accountable and responsible for the management of this incident overall,” the report stated “He demonstrated inadequate supervision of the incident and lack of knowledge of ordinances.”
The punishment related to what the internal affairs report found was an improper interpretation of state law governing motorists who use hand signals in lieu of electronic directionals on vehicles. The report found Jewell’s use of his middle finger to express his disapproval for the military-style vehicle was an expression of free speech and not a law violation.
Davis was ordered to use his knowledge of the incident to write policy for the agency.
Davis had claimed Lucas Jewell, a 24-year-old former city commission candidate, was using an improper hand signal when flipping them off. He also accused Jewell of receiving oral sex from the woman in his car as he flipped them off, even though Jewell said she was only resting her head on his lap.
While it might make sense to have an officer who knows the policies write the policy, but perhaps Davis will have assistance as he clearly believes he can make up his own policies on the go.
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