Jury rights activists cover over half of NH courthouses

Photo credit: Randy Clemens (RandyClemens.com)
So far this year, Justice activists in New Hampshire have reached juror selection dates in over half of the county courthouses in the whole state.
Previously, activists who moved to New Hampshire for the Free State Project handed out jury nullification material, informing jurors of their rights to nullify bad laws, in Keene and Manchester. This year, Manchester activists also reached Nashua to the south. Rights Brigade activists assisted in Manchester outreach, and additionally expanded operations to Concord, Laconia, and Dover.
So far, Justice activists have taken jury nullification outreach to cover courthouses in Belknap, Cheshire, Hillsborough (north and south), Merrimack, and Strafford counties.
Joël Valenzuela is the editor of The Desert Lynx and the founder of the Rights Brigade.