Cop Supporters Start Spray-Painting Blue Strips On Sidewalks to Show Their Love of State

What would you do if you were a statist and loved the idea of police brutalizing the innocent, shooting the peaceful and blindly obeying unconstitutional orders? Well, you can start spray-paining sidewalks.
A Texas man has started a new trend in his neighborhood to show support for police officers.
Anthony Welichko is calling it “The Safe Harbor Initiative.” As a sign of solidarity with police, Welichko spray painted a little blue strip on the curb in front of his San Antonio home, Mad World News reported.
The blue strip is meant to let officers know that the person occupying the home has their back and appreciates their service. Welichko took to Facebook to further explain the initiative.
He wrote:
“To all law enforcement who see this line, know that the residents of this home appreciate your service and dedication to keeping the peace. Know that when you enter the neighborhood and see these lines that you are not alone or without ‘back-up’. [sic] We do not need the media to make our voices of support for our police and emergency services heard (though it would be nice). Lastly, if you are in my neighborhood and mean to harm a member of law enforcement, know that decision may be hazardous you [sic] health as someone has that officers [sic] back!”
The post has been shared more than 61,000 times, with many people claiming they will join the initiative to show support for law enforcement.