Hocking College Rape Victim Intimidated Into Silence After Naming 3 of Her Attackers – Anonymous Launches #OpHocking

TruthVoice reported the beginning of what seemed to be a revamp of 2012-2013 Steubenville Ohio. Not-so-ironically, the rapist convicted in the Steubenville rape case has become their team captain, despite the fact that campus bi-laws mandate that players must live on campus, and as a registered sex offender, Trent Mays can not.
The victim originally reached out to KYAnonymous, also known as Deric Lostutter, the member of Anonymous who originally took the Steubenville rape case to the media. After Labor Day weekend, in which she was escorted home by police, she was back in school, moved into a new and safer dorm, and eating in the cafeteria when 10TV news showed up to report on the assault outside of the school.
The narrative is a cover-up to protect a projected million dollar income generated by the Hocking College Athletics Department. Hocking College P.R. spokesperson Brown commented to media that “the rape never happened,” “and it should have been taken with a grain of salt,” calling the rape investigation “over.” The Prosecuting Attorney’s office however, says that is not the case and the investigation is “ongoing.”
The victim, who had originally agreed to speak to the media about her case, rescinded her offer when she reported to KYAnonymous that “3 of the boys walked in” and “gave me dirty looks,” a clear tactic of intimidation, and failure of school safety officers to keep the victim and her attackers separated.
Since then, the victim has fallen silent, both to Anonymous and media alike, reportedly from heavy intimidation tactics, but not before disclosing the only information about her attackers that she knew, 2 names, and a nickname.
Enter Anonymous, a hive-minded collective of hackers and activists alike, who have taken up the gauntlet of many causes, such as freeing Tunisia, or supporting Wiki-Leaks during Operation Payback.
Their newest op? #OpHocking, a call to both Ohio State University, and Hocking College, to stand with the victim, and to no longer be intimidated into silence.
Infamous, and F.B.I. wanted hacker, and activist, CommanderX has also taken up the cause, aiming to expose the corruption in the school.
Ohio University students report that even in their own college, coaches are telling the players “not to talk to anyone about the rape.”
The protests will take place at Hocking College, while Ohio University is urged to join them in solidarity, 8 am to 8 pm September 10th and 11th. You can RSVP to the protest via Facebook, by clicking here.