PoliceOne Thread Exposes Murderous Police Mentality

Many thanks to Meko Haze from dailyhaze.com for exposing this cop and writing it up:
In a country that is loosing trust in police officers everyday, some officers and former officers are helping to speed that process along.
Meet retired police officer John Moravecek. Moravecek retired from the force after 25-years. According to a case from 1986, PEOPLE v. JACKSON, Moravecek was part of the Boilingbrook, Illinois Police Department. In Moravecek’s own words, “I’m 58 years old and I am a retired Police Officer after serving 25 years on a suburban Police Department.” This leads one to assume that he was on the Boilingbrook PD for his entire career, but we’ll come back to the origin of that statement later.
According to the site, Police Link, Moravecek’s hobbies include, “Patch Collecting, Badge Collecting, Football, Baseball, Hockey, Shooting.” One thing Moravecek forgot to add, “displaying his sociopath tendencies to strangers on Facebook.”
Apparently Moravecek is a regular on the PoliceOne.com Facebook page. Last night a post to the page gave Moravecek a chance to show just how twisted his ideals truly are. The fact that he was a cop for 25-years forces you to wonder what skeletons he has in his closet? Below are the screenshots from Moravecek.
Here is the original post from the PoliceOne.com Facebook page.
From one comment on that post, Moravecek showed his true colors. What follows is the entire conversation between Moravecek and a total stranger on Facebook.
This thread alone is not anyway a 58-year-old retired police officer should talk or act. If this is how he thinks and acts now, just imagine what he was like when he was actually on the force. But this is not the first time Moravecek has done this on social media. In fact it is believed he also uses a fake account under the name, “Jossean Echevarria.” Echevarria’s nickname on the account is, “Cop Block Basher.” The YouTube channel, “Echo Link” even put a video together linking Moravecek to the Echevarria account. The Echevarria account is much more open about “shooting thugs” and other disturbing material than Moravecek’s account believe it or not.
The description for the video reads as follows. “After recording this video we went back to the Jossean Echevarria post and said “Hi John”. He flagged our account and then posted a meme saying “Oh shit, You got a red dot on your head”. It’s him. Read the comments on both of the profiles and you’ll see that they share the same violent rhetoric and racist sentiment.”
It also appears Moravecek tries to display a very different public appearance in comparison to his online personality. Namely at the “SAINTS PETER AND PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH” in Naperville, Illinois. In April Moravecek ran for Parish Council at SAINTS PETER AND PAUL. In a PDF from the church, Moravecek gives a more detailed story of his past.
“Hello, my name is John Moravecek and I’m a candidate running for the Parish Council. I have been married to my beautiful wife Gayle for 34 years and we have been attending Saints Peter and Paul Church since we moved to Naperville in 1985. I’m 58 years old and a retired Police Officer after serving 25 years on a suburban Police Department.
I am currently the Deputy Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus Council 1369 and also a 4th Degree member with the Romeo Blanchette Assembly 3044. Since being a member of the Council I’ve been named twice, Knight of the month and family of the month. With the Blanchette Assembly I’ve been named Sir Knight of the month, twice. This past December at the Council’s annual Christmas party my wife and I were also named family of the year. I’m also active on the board of directors of a women’s center called “Well of Mercy” in Chicago, IL., which gets support from the Father McGivney group and the Knights of Columbus Council 1369. As you are also probably aware, the Knights Council currently holds the Parish fish fry in which I am deeply involved and committed to, by the overseeing the kitchen operations.
The reason I am vying for the Parish Council is to be completely involved in the rich tradition and heritage along with family/Christian values of the Parish and to be an asset well into the future. I will continue to be part of the Parish until I’m called home by our Lord. Thank you for your support. God bless.”
Apparently Moravecek only wants to shoot people online. In reality he prides himself on “family/Christian values.” Sadly Moravecek must not be to familiar with how the Internet works. If you feel that it is time for Moravecek’s online life to meet his physical life, below is the contact information for the SAINTS PETER AND PAUL, including a full staff directory by clicking HERE!
PARISH OFFICE: (630) 355-1081
Fr. Thomas Milota, Pastor
(630) 718-2108 (Jessica)