How to write a dissertation proposal for Ph.D?

How to write a dissertation correctly and quickly: practical tips from professionals – help with dissertation
The correctness of the design of the master’s, candidate, or doctoral dissertation depends not only on the timely preparation of a plan for the general structure of the text, but also on the competent writing of the first chapter of the scientific work.
The first chapter of the dissertation:
A dissertation is an important document, the writing of which is regulated by the requirements of GOST and the Higher Attestation Commission (for candidate and doctoral works).
The number of main sections depends on the number of tasks of scientific work.
The synthetic and analytical method of writing will simplify the wording of the beginning of the dissertation.
The volume of the first chapter depends on the type of dissertation and topic: for a master’s – 10-15 pages, for a candidate’s – 25-30 pages, for a doctor’s – 30-50 pages
The style of presentation of the text is scientific and journalistic, without the use of complex terms and heaped verbal constructions.
Where to start writing a master’s, candidate, doctoral dissertation
where to start writing a dissertation
Regardless of the topic, all research work consists of three parts – introduction, main part, and conclusion (results). The text is built in a coherent and logical sequence, without violating the order of the main structural elements.
To simplify the presentation of the materials studied at the beginning of the dissertation will help the goals, objectives of the research work and two methods of presentation of the material (synthetic and analytical).
Objectives in the dissertation
The correct formulation of the purpose of the work contributes to the rapid writing of the first chapter of the dissertation and accelerates the progress of the necessary research.
Goal setting criteria:
it is forbidden to set several goals, it should be one for all scientific work
its content repeats or supplements the title of the dissertation
the structure of the goal statement is the topic of scientific work and the verb of action (an example is to formulate, present, etc.)
the theme and purpose of the work are interconnected, as they combine the results of solving the problem with the problem itself
GOST does not impose strict requirements for the design of dissertation tasks. Before starting to write a dissertation, it is recommended that an applicant for a degree prepare a draft version of the list and agree on its contents and a plan for future improvements with the project curator.
Recommended work scheme:
the content of the first task is the disclosure of the research problem with a parallel analysis of literary sources associated with it
the second task is the analysis of possible solutions and the choice of the best option
the essence of the third task – conducting practical experiments and creating your own sample of solving the existing problem
Note. By default, the number of chapters in a master’s, master’s or doctoral dissertation should correspond to the number of tasks assigned. If there are more of the latter, they should be evenly distributed (2-3 on each of the chapters).
Writing methods
In order to correctly formulate the beginning of a dissertation, the author is recommended to use a synthetic or analytical method of writing the text.
The essence of the approach is the presentation of existing thoughts in small pieces (fragments). The text is printed on separate sheets and laid out on the table. The main task is to find similar fragments and arrange them side by side. To obtain coherent material, the author processes the information received and adds the necessary sentences or phrases.
The proposed research method is slightly more complicated than the previous one – the dissertation will have to work with schemes. In the central part, the author displays the topic of the dissertation, the arrows from it show the main points of the research.
For better clarity and presentation of the concept of scientific work, it is recommended to put down the numbering of all elements in strict accordance with the structure of the main text. So you can work through existing materials and create new ones.