4 Year Old Girls Asks ‘Mommy, Am I Gonna Die’ After Cop Shoots Her

An Ohio girl who was accidentally shot by a cop trying to subdue a charging dog in June continually cried out “Mommy, am I gonna die?” while medics saved her life, the girl’s mother told Inside Edition.
Ava Ellis, of Whitehall, who is now 5 years old but was 4 at the time of the incident, suffered a gunshot wound that “shattered the bone” in her right leg after a Columbus police officer, who The Columbus Dispatch identified as Jonathan Thomas, pulled the trigger on June 19.
“They had started to cut her pants off her and I just see blood everywhere,” her mom Andrea Ellis said of the aftermath.
Police told Inside Edition they are “grateful to learn that healing is under way,” but Ellis believes the incident was been wrongfully handled by police.

Andrea Ellis, Ava’s mom, says Officer Jonathan Thomas left the scene after the shooting and never asked if she was OK.
Last month on a Facebook page titled “Prayers for Ava,” which is run by one of the victim’s aunts, Ellis alleged that Thomas prematurely left the scene.
“Officer Thomas never said sorry, never said it was an accident, never said that he called for help or was going to call for help, never asked if Ava was OK, and never asked if he could check on Ava,” Ellis said.
Thomas was responding to a different call in the Ellis’ neighborhood when Andrea Ellis accidentally cut herself.
In an account of the incident of the “Prayers for Ava” Facebook page, Ellis says her sister, Brandie Kelly, first called 911.
“She’s bleeding all over the place!” Kelly told the 911 dispatcher. “I need a paramedic!”
Kelly then noticed Thomas and cried out for help. As Thomas approached the home, one of the two family dogs ran at him.
After the shot was fired, another resident of the neighborhood called 911.
“My neighbor across the street had an officer at her door and she’s screaming that he shot a child,” the neighbor told police.
Both of the animals wear shock collars, a different neighbor, Carrie Britton, told the paper.
Thomas was not injured in the incident.
The Columbus Police Department did not respond to the Daily News’ request for comment Saturday.