Fox News Claims ‘There hasn’t been any police brutality in America since the 1960s’

On “Fox & Friends” Monday morning, co-host Brian Kilmeade welcomed in Fox News’ unofficial police brutality correspondent, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, to discuss the anti-police brutality protests held in New York City over the weekend and Clarke didn’t disappoint, claiming “there is no police brutality in America — we ended that in the ’60s.”
Clarke was responding to Kilmeade’s suggestion that liberal politicians — including President Barack Obama — are priming these protesters with false narratives. Despite the fact that he was sharing the screen with former NYPD detective Rod Wheeler — who minutes earlier played footage he’d taken at the anti-police brutality march in which protesters were blaming the president — Kilmeade and Clarke were adamant about who is empowering what Clarke referred to as “sub-human creeps.”
“The president of the United States knows better, he’s playing the race game, he’s playing race politics,” Clarke said. “Shame on him, he’s been very divisive for this country.”