Michigan Lawmaker Proposes Bill Suspending the Fourth Amendment for Home School Families
In the wake of a double homicide in which a mother killed and stored the bodies of her two children in a freezer, a Michigan lawmaker has proposed a bill that would require home schooling families to submit to suspicion-less home inspections. It is unclear whether these home visits would also extend to public school children during their months long summer break.
“I believe this bill not only will have a part in monitoring children’s education. ..in some cases, save lives,” said Stephen Berry and Stoni Blair’s grandfather John Blair.
John was standing with family members and state and local leaders outside of the Spirit of Detroit Statue at the Coleman A. Young Municipal Building in downtown Detroit on Friday morning.
“I believe this bill is the start of fixing things that have been needed in Michigan for years,” said John Blair.
His daughter Mitchelle Blair is in jail on murder charges after Stephen and Stoni’s bodies were found by an eviction officer March 24. They were there for two-years. She told people her kids were being homeschooled all that time.
“Michigan is one of only 11-states that does not require parents homeschooling their children to initiate to any contact with the state about the kids being homeschooled,” said State Representative Stephanie Chang.
Chang is the author of the bill and, if passed, it would be named after Stephen and Stoni.
Parents or a guardian who choose to homeschool would have to provide their address and the names of their children being homeschooled to their school district.
There would also be two visits to the home every year from either a doctor, teacher or social worker.
But not everyone is in favor.
“I have a problem with it because the whole premise of the legislation assumes there is something wrong with people who homeschool,” said Rhonda Smith, a homeschooling mom.
And this, just the beginning for this bill.
State Representative Chang and city leaders say they welcome input, including from those who homeschool.
They say the goal here is children’s safety and education.