riots Wed, 22 May 2019 11:23:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 riots 32 32 194740597 Yes, I Cheered for the Baltimore ‘Rioters’ Tue, 12 May 2015 08:49:37 +0000
A man walks past a burning police vehicle, Monday, April 27, 2015, during unrest following the funeral of Freddie Gray in Baltimore. Gray died from spinal injuries about a week after he was arrested and transported in a Baltimore Police Department van. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

A man walks past a burning police vehicle, Monday, April 27, 2015, during unrest following the funeral of Freddie Gray in Baltimore. Gray died from spinal injuries about a week after he was arrested and transported in a Baltimore Police Department van. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Yes god-dammit, I cheered for the Baltimore “rioters”!

Amid incessant criticism from Whites and the Black respectability crowd, I saw the rioting and destruction of property in Baltimore that broke out at the end of April, following Freddie Gray’s funeral, as the outcry of a desperately traumatized and frustrated people. It was a message that in the face of daily devaluation and violence, the young people who took to the streets were fighting back against the mean-spiritedness that accompanies daily life in a blighted citadel of White supremacy. They were embracing a longstanding American tradition of resistance, all in the name of democracy, freedom, and progress.

While millions crowned disempowered Baltimore mother Toya Graham a “hero,” and even afforded her a Mother’s Day makeover for publicly assaulting and verbally berating her son, Michael Singleton, who was poised to throw rocks at the occupying police forces in Baltimore, I recognized Michael’s gesture as David rising up against Goliath. On that day, young benighted Black people stood before the world to let everyone know that we will not simply sing, pray, march, and preach racial aggression into submission. We will fight back, even at great risk to our own physical well-being. Even at the risk of being demonized by the first Black president as “criminals and thugs,” because we know that respectability won’t save us anyway.

With rocks in hand, theirs was a clarion cry: Black Lives Matter! And: Fuck that CVS!

The patterns of behavior and messaging of Black riots are well established. First, an unarmed Black person is injured or killed by police. Then, local residents protest. With their militarized equipment, their aggressive behavior and by their mere presence, the occupying police crank-up the anger, as the Baltimore police did when they cornered children as they left school, kept them from going home, and when they threw rocks at them. Neither protecting nor serving, the police are a source and fuel of these fires.

Embodying the lack of power and constrained voice, residents took to the streets to express their righteous indignation. Their rage and grief was visible; with each rock, each diaper taken from a store that has provided neither jobs nor food (the Washington Post noted that 30 percent of low-income mothers can’t afford to buy diapers), with each fire, we can see betrayal from a system that sees these residents as problems, if they see them at all.

Predictably, the mainstream media only opens its eyes and ears when rocks are flying, glass is shattering, and fires are burning. Yet, they don’t hear the pain, anger, anguish—they don’t want to acknowledge how discriminatory economic and social policies obscure the genocidal potential of White supremacy and produce hidden holocausts in our communities. And the media crafts language to color the collective perception that Black people are criminal, not the poverty and racial violence that produces the anger, hopelessness and rage.

The uprisings are “riots.”

The demonstrators are “lawless,” “dangerous,” “deadly.”

The righteous indignation is opportunism.

They ask: “Why are they destroying their own communities?” These residents don’t own their own homes (thank you Wells Fargo) much less an entire community. These rebellions are taking place in neighborhoods so desolate they often qualify as war zones, sometimes celebrated with a hit cable TV series to glorify the suffering.

The media complains that “vandalism, arson, and looting are just opportunistic violence—there’s no real political agenda,” as if Black people living in poverty don’t have the ability to be organized and intentional.

They say that “those people should take more constructive measures to improve their lot in life—like praying and voting and getting an education,” in complete denial of the forces so relentlessly working against them.

Lawlessness and thugs threaten “peace.” Never mind that peace was defined by the killing of unarmed Black youth, systemic harassment from the criminal injustice system, mass poverty, unemployment, divestment in schools, poor housing and inadequate health care.

Propelled by media-produced fear, the police presence grows. Guns drawn.

Peace keepers?

Using their tools of the militarized industrial complex, the police launched an assault with their tear gas, only to see more anger and instability. Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and Maryland Governor Larry Hogan—needing to demonstrate that they are “tough on Black people”—called in the National Guard to restore “order” through curfews and other restrictions.

The message projected from the media, from the pulpit, from City Hall, from police, and from the public is clear: The unrest, and the disruptions to peace are because of “thugs” and “criminals.” The bi-partisan message across race, geography, age, and gender: “If only those thugs would act right, these problems wouldn’t be happening. If only Black people weren’t so violent and criminal, things would be all good.” Yes, there may be reasons for “unrest,” but ultimately the reason we cannot have nice things is because of “thugs” and their criminal friends.

As W.E.B. DuBois said, “How does it feel to be a problem?”

Last week a poll released by the Pew Center found that most people saw that the Baltimore riot was just an opportunity to be lawless. “About 61 percent say that ‘some people taking advantage of the situation to engage in criminal behavior contributed a “great deal” to the unrest,’ while 56 percent say the same about tensions between the African-American community and the police” according to the Pew Report. “Majorities say all five factors mentioned in the survey—anger over the death of Freddie Gray, poverty in some neighborhoods and the initial response by city officials—contributed at least a fair amount to the unrest.”

Our nation’s hypocrisy is glaring. As Howard Law School graduate Christopher R. LaMotte wrote in the Baltimore Sun editorial, “Why Do We Applaud Rebellion in Film but Not in Baltimore’s Streets?”:

“Over the past few years, Americans have spent millions of dollars to enjoy fictional rebellion. Combined, ‘The Giver,’ the ‘Hunger Games’ series, and the ‘Divergent’ series … have amassed over $2 billion globally… All of those stories deal with protagonists attempting to overthrow oppressive dystopian societies. Often … the characters accomplish their goals through violence, destruction and outright murder. So why do we admire these rebellious fictional characters while viewing those in Baltimore and Ferguson with contempt?

When Katniss (Hunger Games“) shot an arrow into some highly complex … equipment in Catching Fire, the audience didn’t think less of her for destroying someone’s property. In Divergent, when Tris hurled a knife into the villain’s hand … no one shook their heads and said ‘She’s going about this the wrong way.” Yet when Black people throw rocks at police officers who routinely terrorize and even kill members of their community, the public is quick to demonize the victim and defend the oppressor.”


And as you open America’s history book, it is clear that the history of looting and rioting has shaped the foundation of the nation. Stealing and dumping tea into the Boston Harbor—forget the rule of law; destroying their own community; a riot has been reimagined as a party all in the name of freedom.

The founding rioters secured liberty and democracy for some through destruction, theft and murder. Just ask the Native Americans and the slaves and the ex-slaves who endured the genocidal violence of Jim Crow. Historically, many riots in the U.S. were racial pogroms where Whites destroyed entire Black communities or committed mass murders of Black people who were living in thriving communities, thus offending and frightening Whites. Other riots broke out between Black and White working-class communities, like Chicago in 1919 and Detroit in 1943. But since the end of slavery, there have been NO examples of Blacks engaging in mass attacks on or murders of White people.

The danger of forgetting, and ignoring this history, is that we lose context. We see how the language of the media and other organizations devoted to prop up White supremacy went from calling young Black men “hooligans” to “thugs.” It’s clear that White riots have historically been designed to keep Black people in the place to which Whites have assigned them. Today, that includes the police brutalizing and snuffing out Black lives. And when Black people—who have historically never had the power of the law or government on their side, to protect them or champion their cause—explode in grief, anger and frustration, they are routinely blamed for not better accepting their ongoing oppression.

Institutionalized looting is still looting. And this history continues. Consider the criminal looting of the Wall Street bankers who robbed countless working people of their life savings and homes through foreclosure. The looting of Baltimore, along with many other cities, took place long before April 2015 with subprime loans, gentrification, the shipment of manufacturing jobs overseas, and the replacement of schools with prisons.

What we saw in Baltimore and previously Ferguson was not a riot but an uprising. While Martin Luther King said “riots” are the language of the unheard, “riots” are actually the tools of the heard, the powerful, and the privileged; uprisings and unrest is the language of the unheard.

Black people take to streets to protest injustice, to vent pent-up frustrations over oppressive conditions. We are consistent in what some term as “rioting,” which is always sparked by a blatant and violent act of injustice in our communities, often at the hands of police, and the lack of consequences for taking Black lives with impunity. Whether everyone agrees that it is the most effective response, Black people’s “rioting” always has political underpinnings.

Black uprisings are always sparked by blatant injustice—these days, often via videos that provide eyewitness accounts. Blacks do not mobilize to roam White neighborhoods, or attack groups of Whites out of fear or resentment. While many White riots attacking Blacks were sparked by rumors of Blacks attacking Whites, we never see the reverse.

But the bigger question is this: Why do people—especially Black people—act as if rioting is not useful? After all, riots and uprisings have led to major changes in our nation’s laws. Where would the USA be if not for the riots that broke ties with Great Britain?

Riots and uprisings are forms of protest, screams for inclusion, cries for change, demands to stop killing us, and assertions that #BlackRageMustbeHeard #BlackVoicesCount and  #BlackLivesMatter. It is expression of sadness and anger that in America, on the streets of Whiteopia, on its airwaves, and within the halls of power, property is more important than Black lives. It was denunciation of moral fabric that prompts more outcry for a broken window than a dead man’s broken spine.

These uprisings are righteous because they have a purpose: to move society forward, to obtain justice where there has historically been none, and to do whatever we can to fight back against that which threatens our lives and refuses to recognize our humanity.

Even during the civil-rights movement, which was characterized as built around principles of Black nonviolence in the face of White violence, riots, uprisings and other acts of violence were part of the movement as well. Newark, Watts, Attica, and Baltimore. Even those moments that have come to symbolize nonviolent direct action were also moments of rock throwing and targeted outrage. As Bull Connor unleashed dogs and water hoses, some Black youth withheld violence while others threw rocks in the face of anti-Black racism, and armed enforcers in Mississippi declared: “We will shoot back.” The successes of the civil-right movement are owed these moments of spontaneous rage. They each played a role and ultimately brought a wave of progressive civil-rights legislation. Those on streets of Ferguson or Baltimore are part of this history. In any other context, we would be painted as heroes and sheroes, standing valiantly for our freedoms and rights.

Michael Singleton, the 16-year-old who was poised to throw rocks at the Baltimore police, symbolizes the spirit of youthful protest and righteous rage that gets overlooked during these riots. But like so many throughout history and around the world, Michael felt he had to do something, and if a rock was the only thing he could pick up and if getting ready to throw it at the invading forces was his only hope, then he was at least willing to take that stand and assume that risk.

What’s being missed is the fact that young Michael wasn’t doing anything wrong. He was shaping history! Just like students in the Soweto riots in 1976, just like students in Birmingham in 1963. Obedient, well-behaved oppressed young people do not make history. The ones that get into the streets and riot do spark change, do incite progress, and do make history.

And I will always cheer that on.

Published on by Stacey Patton

‘Sir, Are You Injured Anywhere?’ vs. ‘Fuck Your Breath’ — Which Kind of Approach Provokes Riots? Wed, 06 May 2015 11:23:08 +0000

Swedish Cops

‘Why?’ It’s the most useful one word sentence in the English language. It’s how we begin the search for causes, for understanding, for truth. We have to figure out why something happened before we can figure out how to make change going forward. There are people who want to understand why the events that unfolded this week in Baltimore did so, and there are people who most assuredly do not. Let’s start with the latter, or least with the most egregious of them, since we don’t have all day to go through the full litany.

Republican Maryland state legislator and radio talk show host Patrick McDonough, in discussing the events that took place in Baltimore, emphasized “a lack of parenting.” He also praised a proposal to take food stamps away from families whose children participated in the protests. I’ll let those statements speak for themselves. Among national figures, one of the more popular themes was — try not to be shocked — to blame President Obama. Donald Trump (I know, I know) offered this gem:

Our great African American president hasn’t exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are happily and openly destroying Baltimore.

Then there’s Ben Shapiro, columnist, editor-at-large for Breitbart News, and author of The People vs. Barack Obama: The Criminal Case Against the Obama Administration (Count 1 in Shapiro’s list of charges is — wait for it — “Espionage”). Shapiro opined that Baltimore demonstrates the President’s “legacy of racial polarization.” Fox News’ Lou Dobbs attributed this week’s events in Baltimore to the Obama administration’s having “corroborated if not condoned … a war on law enforcement.”

These guys too fringy for you? How about Ted Cruz, a United States senator elected from one of the most populous states in our union and a serious, if not likely to be victorious, candidate for the Republican presidential nomination. In his musings on Baltimore, Cruz accused the president of having “made decisions that I think have inflamed racial tensions — that have divided us rather than bring us together.” When probed by Dana Bash of CNN, and asked for examples, Cruz repeated the charge, but offered no specifics other than mentioning “the beer summit,” and complaining that Obama “vilif[ied] and caricature[d]” those who opposed him politically on matters such as health care and the negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program.

I’m sorry, Mr. Cruz. You aren’t Donald Trump, or at least you’d like to think you aren’t. But you need to be more prepared than that if you want to level such a serious charge at the president of the United States. As I’ve written elsewhere, the idea that Obama is a divider is ridiculous. Ask yourself whether a divider would say something like this:

Whether your ancestors came here on the Mayflower or a slave ship; whether they signed in at Ellis Island or they crossed the Rio Grande — we are one people. We need one another. Our patriotism is not rooted in ethnicity, but in a shared belief of the enduring and permanent promise of this country

When we say “Baltimore” let’s bear in mind that although we have seen violence we have also seen both peaceful protests and significant, organized efforts by community members to preserve and maintain the peace after scattered violence broke out. The overwhelming majority of African-Americans in Baltimore–starting with Freddie Gray’s own mother–have made clear both through word and deed that they believe destroying property or attacking police officers is not only “wrong,” but that it also makes it harder to achieve the justice that the protestors seek.

As for President Obama, here’s part of what he said about Baltimore, more of the same kind of supposedly divisive rhetoric he’s been delivering for years now.

But if we really want to solve the problem, if our society really wanted to solve the problem, we could. It’s just it would require everybody saying this is important, this is significant, and that we don’t just pay attention to these communities when a CVS burns and we don’t just pay attention when a young man gets shot or has his spine snapped. We’re paying attention all the time because we consider those kids our kids and we think they’re important and they shouldn’t be living in poverty and violence.

It may, admittedly, be a low bar to clear, but Barack Obama’s remarks bring us much closer to truly understanding why Baltimore happened than do the reflections of the likes of Trump and Cruz. There are both root and proximate causes for Baltimore, and for the broader Black Lives Matter movement of which the Baltimore protests are a part. I want to focus here on the proximate causes of these protests. One would think they are obvious, but given the comments I’ve cited above, clearly some people would disagree. The issue is police abuse, widespread enough that, as Leonard Pitts wrote: “you can’t keep the atrocities straight without a score card.”

We can see this abuse–and the attitude that feeds it–by contrasting some incidents of which you are likely already aware. On the one hand, there’s the example of Swedish police officers on vacation in New York City about a week ago. In breaking up a fight on the subway, they subdued the aggressor without causing significant injury. But more than that, listen to the video. The Swedes ask, of both men under their control, “Sir, are you injured anywhere?” Granted, they weren’t on duty, but their attitude is clear. They believe they are dealing with a fellow human being.

On the other hand, we have what happened to Eric Harris in Tulsa. While under the control of the police, Mr. Harris was accidentally shot by Reserve Deputy Bob Bates (and there are all kinds of questions now being explored about him and his relationship to the Tulsa Sheriff’s Office). Harris, already dying, said: “He shot me. He shot me, man. Oh my God, I’m losing my breath.” Here’s what one officer on the scene said in reply:

“Fuck your breath.”

Sir, are you injured anywhere? Fuck your breath. I don’t even know what else to say.

Those in denial about police abuse might reply, well, that was Tulsa, what about Baltimore? Venus Green, an 87 year old Baltimore grandmother, called 911 after her grandson was shot. The police arrived, and one white officer began aggressively questioning the victim, accusing him of lying about where he was when he’d been shot. The officer then wanted to go down into Ms. Green’s basement–there were two dogs in the basement and she was concerned about how they’d react. The officer had no warrant, and she prevented him from going down there after he undid the lock. The officer pushed Ms. Green out of the way. She hit the wall, and then the floor. The officer stood over her and said:

Bitch, you ain’t no better than any of the other old black bitches I have locked up.

The officer cuffed Ms. Green, and this woman of 87 years remained restrained until another officer, this one black, asked that the cuffs be removed. Having done nothing wrong, she faced no charges. Although she didn’t end up dead like Eric Harris or so many others, being handcuffed resulted in a broken shoulder, and a lawsuit, one of many filed in response to abusive police treatment in that city. As the Baltimore Sun noted, “in almost every case, prosecutors or judges dismissed the charges against the victims — if charges were filed at all.” The city has paid out $5.7 million in damages just since January 2011.

According to the likes of Ted Cruz, President Obama and other so-called rabble-rousers are the ones to blame for the outbursts of violence in places like Baltimore and Ferguson. You see, they inflamed racial tensions by talking about incidents of police abuse. After all, if we never talked about them, no one would be angry, right? What Cruz doesn’t want to admit is that injustice inflicts injuries that remain open wounds. That’s why we cannot have healing without first binding those wounds. Although we must always strive for peace, we will not have healing until we have justice.

Originally reported by Ian Reifowitz at

Texas GOP Lawmaker: Baltimore Violence And Riots Are a Result of Gay Marriage, Not Police Brutality Wed, 29 Apr 2015 10:24:54 +0000

Bill Flores

Republican U.S. House Representative Bill Flores of Texas argued this week that violence in Baltimore could be linked to the legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States.

On the Wednesday edition of the Family Research Council’s Washington Watch radio program, Flores told FRC President Tony Perkins that crowds of conservatives were showing up at the U.S. Supreme Court to urge justices to support the “rights of tradition marriage.”

Perkins suggested that the government was just creating more problems for itself as courts throughout the nation continued to rule that LGBT people should have equal marriage rights.

“A lot of these problems are created by the breakdown of the family, which the redefinition of would only accelerate,” Perkins opined.

“You’re exactly right, Tony,” Flores agreed. “Let’s talk about poverty for instance… The single best indicator of whether or not a child is going to be in poverty or not is whether or not they were raised by a two-parent household or a single-parent household. And so the breakdown of the family has contributed to poverty.”

“You look at what’s going on in Baltimore today, you know, you see issues that are raised there,” the congressman continued. “And healthy marriages are the ones between a man and a woman because they can have a healthy family and they can raise children in the way that’s best for their future, not only socially but psychologically, economically, from a health perspective.”

“There’s just nothing like traditional marriage that does that.”

Listen to the audio below via Right Wing Watch.
