South Carolina Wed, 22 May 2019 11:32:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 South Carolina 32 32 194740597 Horry County Police Bungle Missing Case of Missing Girl – Heather Elvis Thu, 10 Dec 2015 09:43:36 +0000


By Deric Lostutter

December 18, 2013: Heather Elvis was just 20 years old the night she went missing in the Myrtle Beach area of South Carolina.

Sidney and Tammy Moorer were arrested on kidnapping and murder charges January 28, 2014, based on the evidence that Sidney previously had an affair with Heather Elvis. Both were released after each met $100,000 bonds. Because the only evidence presented by the prosecution was circumstantial, the judge determined that the couple are still innocent under the law. The couple has since moved to Florida for work.

A gag order has been placed on the case.

On that fateful night, Heather went on a first date with Steven Schiraldi, who police noted was the last person to see her alive. During the date, she texted her father, Terry Elvis, a photo of herself learning to drive a stick shift in the parking lot of the Inlet Square Mall. According to testimony, Schiraldi dropped her off at her River Oaks Drive apartment around 2 a.m.


After passing a lie detector test, police wrote Steven Schiraldi off as a suspect.

A confidential source explained that Horry County Police have since taken almost two years to review the GPS ping data from Schiraldi’s and Elvis’s phone records, cross referencing them to check the validity of Schiraldi’s alibi the night of Elvis’s disappearance. Police arrived at Steven Schiraldi’s home when the cell phone records of Heather Elvis did not match the locations that Steven Schiraldi told police they had visited that fateful night.

The confidential source claims they witnessed Steven Schiraldi refuse to give police his cell phone, and any records pertaining to it. According to the source Schiraldi had previously discussed, and may have followed through, with changing the seats in his pickup truck, where Heather Elvis was last seen alive, to bucket seats, supposedly to fit a new speaker system. The change may also have destroyed any forensic evidence that Horry County Police failed to look at.


After discovering new discrepancies in Schrialdi’s story, police are now allegedly focusing on him as a primary suspect again.

The father, Terry Elvis has successfully avoided becoming a prime suspect. According to sources, Terry had a brother that was allegedly fired from Horry County Police Department for tampering with evidence.

A source close to the investigation with a relative that works in the court stated that Terry Elvis has failed one lie detector test, and the results of his second were inconclusive.

Sources and neighbors state that the father has had hundreds of thousands of dollars donated since the disappearance, since allegedly paid off his house, purchased 2 convertibles, his wife a vehicle, his other daughter a vehicle, jet ski’s, and multiple wardrobe additions for his family, including expensive pageant dresses for his daughter.


TruthVoice has since obtained FBI records that show Terry Elvis has been arrested multiple times and convicted of fraud, and forgery stemming from cases dating back as far as 1970, resulting in a 7 year suspended sentence, and 3 years probation, and a permanent felony status.

TruthVoice will be posting a separate article pertaining to Terry Elvis and his sudden life change, and mysterious past later this week.

You can view a timeline of the Heather Elvis case here

A community vigil will be held for her on the anniversary of her disappearance. You can view the details here

TruthVoice has reached out to Horry County Police Department, our calls have yet to be returned.

Matt Walsh: The Statist Hipster Christian Cop Sucker Thu, 29 Oct 2015 09:27:17 +0000

Douchebag supreme Matt Walsh drinking bourbon while attacking Marijuana users

by Virgil Vaduva

Matt Walsh, the hipster Christian blogger with a huge online following is hardly a guy that mimics Jesus. Basically an outright asshole, Walsh often pontificates on The Blaze, the site owned by Glenn Beck, against homosexuals, blacks and other minorities that do not live or act as he would have them. In a Rush Limbaugh style of rhetoric, he takes a machine-gun approach to anyone who disagrees with him, including people who attempt to hold cops accountable for their brutal actions.

Walsh often takes positions which are contradictory to his own way of living, such as openly advocating the use of hard liquor like bourbon or scotch while attacking Marijuana users and advocating for their imprisonment.

Worse yet, Walsh has attacked the recent victim in the case involving the South Carolina school cop attack. In an article published on The Blaze, Walsh blames the parents of the 16 year old black girl for the fact that she was beaten by the school cop.  Incredibly, Walsh claims that blind obedience to government authority figures should not only be expected, but enforced trough the use of violence:

You don’t want black girls to be dragged out of classrooms in public schools? Good, neither do I. Nobody wants to see that. But, leftist race mongers, that means you have to stop ignoring the fact that these incidents don’t happen out of nowhere. That cop didn’t just barge into the room and randomly pull the nearest black student out of her chair. He was asked to respond after the student couldn’t be bothered to obey a rule or listen to her teacher or listen to an administrator.

What? Obeying rules is certainly not a top priority in life for a teenage girl; not only that, but blindly obeying rules given to them by a government employee should never even be on the table. In essence Walsh would have children who are forced to sit in a prison-like environment for hours each day be assaulted, slammed on the ground and thrown in a cage simply for disobeying a State official.

The cop who assaulted the girl was even nicknamed “Officer Slam” by the students due to the well-known abuse they often suffered at his hands. But why blame the cop since he is an “authority figure” and can do no wrong when you can blame the girls’ parents?

Calling the girl an “extreme troublemaker” Walsh rants:

The answer is going to be partly their own choice, their own free will, and partly an utter dereliction of duty by the parents (or probably parent, singular). If Black Lives Matter, and they surely do, we would be having this conversation. We would stop blaming the cops for everything all the time and start passing some of the blame over to the people who show no concern for the rules or the law.

The problem is that after Walsh wrote his hit-piece against the teenage girl, it was revealed that she is an orphan and she is in essence in foster care. Oops. Now there is nobody left to blame, except for the violent cop, but no worries. Walsh has a fallback plan.

This is a guy who openly and sanctimoniously advocates obeying state laws. The same gay-marriage laws and abortion laws which he opposes and disobeys are wrong…but obeying police officers’ every word should be something enforced through beatings and violence.

I believe it’s safe to assume that Matt Walsh would have been the first guy to line up to enforce and obey the laws which required Americans to turn in runaway slaves? Most likely. It is people like Walsh who have created and shaped a nation where the State is being worshiped, Government is respected and cops can do no wrong. Why? Because in Walsh’s warped mind God tells him to do so.


Virgil Vaduva is a Libertarian security professional, journalist, photographer and overall liberty freak. He spent most of his life in Communist Romania and participated in the 1989 street protests which led to the collapse of the Ceausescu regime. He can be reached at vvaduva at

Body-Slamming Deputy to be Fired Wed, 28 Oct 2015 09:23:47 +0000


South Carolina authorities will announce Wednesday that Richland County Senior Deputy Ben Fields, the school resource officer who was caught on camera violently flipping a high school student in her classroom, will be relieved of duty, sources told NBC News.

Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott is set to hold a news conference at noon to talk about the internal investigation over the Monday incident at Spring Valley High School in Columbia.

Fields, 34, was suspended without pay as a result of the incident, and the FBI, the Justice Department and state law enforcement are conducting separate investigations.

Lott said at a news conference Tuesday that the female student, who has not been identified, only suffered a rug burn, although her attorney said on ABC’s “Good Morning America” that she “has a cast on her arm, she has neck and back injuries.”

Police say the incident began when the girl became disruptive in her algebra class and was texting on her phone. Her teacher asked the student to leave, and when she refused, an administrator was called in, Lott said.

Fields was then ordered to the classroom. Cellphone videos taken by students show him standing before the girl, commanding her to stand up or be forcibly removed. She refuses to leave. Fields is then seen body-slamming the student to the ground while she’s still in her seat, and then dragging her and her desk across the floor.

A “third video” reviewed by police for the internal investigation shows the girl swinging at the officer’s head after he puts his hands on her, Lott said.

The girl was arrested along with a second student who police say was also “contributing to the chaos.” That student, later identified as 18-year-old Niya Kenny, told NBC News on Tuesday that she witnessed the officer put his arm around her classmate’s neck, and that’s when she fought back.

She said was stunned to see the mayhem in the classroom, and said she “felt something bad was going to go down” when Fields entered the classroom. “He’s known as Officer Slam,” she added.

Lott said Tuesday that he did not know if race was a factor in the case, but didn’t believe so because Fields, who is white, has been dating an African-American woman for “quite some time.” Fields, however, has been the subject of racial bias and excessive force allegations.

The FBI and the Justice Department probes will determine whether the girl’s civil rights were violated in the incident. The president of the South Carolina chapter of the NAACP has called for Fields to be charged with assault.

School district officials also blasted Fields’ actions as “outrageous” and “reprehensible,” and the video itself “shamefully shocking.”

Schools Superintendent Debbie Hamm said the district is strengthening its training efforts with school resource officers to ensure such an incident doesn’t happen again.

SC Student Arrested For Recording School Cop’s Violent Assault on Classmate Tue, 27 Oct 2015 09:30:07 +0000
SC Student Arrested For Recording School Cop’s Violent Assault on Classmate


A South Carolina high school student who witnessed her classmate being physically abused by a school resource officer was arrested and held on $1,000 for filming the incident.

Niya Kenny, 18, told WLTX she was shocked and disturbed when she saw Officer Ben Fields flipping her female classmate out of her desk and pinning her to the ground for refusing to leave class.

“I was screaming ‘What the f, what the f is this really happening?’ I was praying out loud for the girl,” Kenny told WLTX. “I just couldn’t believe this was happening I was just crying and he said, since you have so much to say you are coming too. I just put my hands behind my back.”

The video, posted Monday by New York Daily News writer Shaun King, shows Fields wrapping his arms around the neck of the pony-tailed girl. He then flips her desk over backwards and throws her onto the ground, saying “put your hands behind your back.”

Kenny said her classmate is only about 5’6″ and said she never saw anything like it before.

“A man used that much force on a little girl, a big man, like 300 pounds of full muscle,” Kenny told the station. “I was like no way, no way, you can’t do that to no little girl.”

Her classmate wasn’t participating in math class at Spring Valley High School in Columbia, and was asked to leave by the teacher. The girl refused, so the teacher called an administrator, who called Fields.

Kenny’s mom, Doris Kenny, said her daughter was just standing up for the girl and said Field’s actions were excessive.

Niya Kenny was charged with “disturbing school,” which her mother questions.

“Who was really disturbing the school?” Doris Kenny asked. “Was it my daughter or the officer who came in to the classroom and did that to the young girl?”

Watch the WLTX report, as posted to YouTube by Loren Thomas, here:

South Carolina Man Who Defended Home from DEA No-Knock Raid Sentenced to 8 Years in Prison Mon, 06 Jul 2015 11:32:24 +0000

Joel Robinson

COLUMBIA, S.C. — A man who shot and injured a Drug Enforcement Administration agent during an early-morning no-knock raid was sentenced to eight years behind bars on Monday.

Joel Robinson, 33, was suspected of manufacturing and trafficking illegal narcotics, prompting a surprise home invasion from the DEA. Police say Robinson shot DEA agent Barry Wilson, who participated in the raid.

Robinson claims he was awoken by people he didn’t know were DEA agents, and fired in self-defense. No drugs were found anywhere in Robinson’s house.

John Comer, a DEA agent involved with the investigation, ignored Robinson’s testimony that he was defending his home from intruders, instead using the agent’s injuries in an attempt to sway public opinion in favor of the raiding party.

“The wounding of our agent during the execution of a Federal Search Warrant reinforces the daily dangers law enforcement officers face while conducting narcotics investigations,” said Comer.

Robinson accepted a deal that had him plead guilty to ‘assaulting a law enforcement officer with a deadly weapon while the officer is in the performance of his duties.’ Federal Judge Michelle Childs agreed to the plea deal and issued the sentence Monday to a courthouse filled with law enforcement agents and officers.

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BREAKING: Cop Who Shot Unarmed Man In the Back Indicted for Murder Mon, 08 Jun 2015 11:23:53 +0000


NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. — The South Carolina police officer who shot an unarmed black man to death during a traffic stop in North Charleston has been indicted for murder.

Prosecutors announced the indictment against Michael Slager on Monday for the April 4 shooting. A date for the trial has not yet been determined.

If Slager is convicted, he could face between 30 years to life in prison. Slager will not face the death penalty because prosecutors say the circumstances surrounding the murder were not “aggravating,” a term applied to shootings that occur during other crimes like robbery or kidnapping.

A cell phone video shows Slager chasing the unarmed man, Walter Scott, into an empty lot. Slager grapples with the victim, who escapes, but is shot in the back repeatedly after several paces.

Slager, who would go on to laugh about the adrenaline rush of shooting the unarmed man, was eventually fired from the police department, and is currently behind bars without bail.

David Aylor, Slager’s former defense attorney, said Slager “felt threatened” when he shot Scott, who was unarmed, in the back. He also said that Scott tried to take Slager’s Taser when they wrestled on the ground, before Slager shot Scott in the back repeatedly. Aylor has since stated he is no longer representing Slager.

The death of Walter Scott has made national news and sparked numerous protests and demonstrations. Friends, family, and activists have called for independent investigation of the events, and for the resignation of the North Charleston mayor and police chief.

The video of the shooting can be viewed below.

Warning: This video is disturbing, viewer discretion is advised.

Charleston Cop Responding to Home Invasion Shoots Homeowner Fri, 08 May 2015 10:32:53 +0000

Yellow crime tape blocks off a home, center, on Scott White Road in Hollywood, S.C., where a Charleston County sheriff’s deputy shot and wounded a resident Thursday May 7, 2015 after a call about a home invasion

A sheriff’s deputy responding to a home invasion shot a homeowner in the neck Thursday because he refused to drop his gun, authorities said.

Two deputies from the Charleston County Sheriff’s Office encountered the man at the rear of his mobile home in Hollywood, South Carolina, after two other men fled on bicycles, Sheriff’s Maj. Eric Watson said in a news release.

The man was either leaving or standing at the back door of the house and was armed, Watson said. One of the two deputies shot him after he refused to drop his gun, he said.

After he was shot and had been placed in an ambulance, the man told police that he had exchanged gunfire with the two men who fled on bicycles. By Thursday afternoon, police had arrested one of them, identified as Thomas Zachary Brown, 22. Brown was charged with first-degree burglary and attempted murder in connection with the home invasion. Watson said as far as he knew, Brown had not been injured.

Online court records did not indicate whether Brown had an attorney, and an operator at the sheriff’s office said that information was not available.

The homeowner was taken to the hospital and was undergoing surgery, Watson said. His condition was not known immediately.

Watson said the identities of the deputy and the shooting victim would be released on Friday, as would copies of a dashboard camera video. He said the deputies were not equipped with body cameras.

The State Law Enforcement Division is investigating the shooting and the sheriff’s office will investigate the home invasion, Watson said. He said the homeowner is black and the two deputies are white.

Police released two 911 tapes of the encounter Thursday. On one, an exasperated male caller tells police, “Someone was trying to break into my house. Please come. … It’s an emergency and they have guns. Please come!”

The caller, becoming increasingly agitated with every question from the operator, says the suspects are banging on his windows and that he is hiding in a laundry room. When asked, the caller tells the operator to send deputies to both the front and the back door of the home.

About nine minutes into the call, the man shouts something unintelligible away from the phone as the 911 operator tries to get him back on the call.

In a second 911 call, a woman asks sheriff’s deputies to come to an address that appears to be near the house where the home invasion took place. The caller says she saw two people on bicycles riding through her property and that something happened behind her house.

On police radio calls released Thursday, there is confusion about the identity of the man who was shot.

“It’s unknown if he’s part of the shooters or the victim,” an officer can be heard saying after an ambulance is called to treat a man with a gunshot wound to the neck.

Later on, an officer asks a dispatcher to summon the State Law Enforcement Division, which investigates shootings by police officers.

Hollywood is a small rural community of mobile homes and brick ranch homes about 15 miles west of Charleston. The man’s home is located down a dirt driveway behind two other homes.

Thursday’s shooting was the second in the past month involving law enforcement in Charleston County. On April 4, a white North Charleston Police officer shot and killed a black man who he said fought with him over the officer’s stun gun.

Officer Michael Slager claimed that he killed Walter Scott in self-defense. But a bystander’s video showed him firing eight shots at Scott’s back as he ran away. Slager has been charged with murder.

Former Cops Sentenced to Federal Prison for Tasing Mentally Ill Woman Tue, 28 Apr 2015 10:15:51 +0000


Two former Marion police officers were sentenced to a combined 30 months in federal prison Monday after pleading guilty to use of excessive force in an April 2013 incident that involved the use of a Taser on a mentally handicapped woman at least eight times.

Eric Walters received 12 months and one day, and Franklin Brown received 18 months. Both men will serve three years of probation.

United States District Court Judge Bryan Harwell ruled over the sentencing. He said cases such as this compromise the integrity of law enforcement and cause the community to lose respect for good officers.

“This puts a spotlight on the bad cops as opposed to the good ones who put their life on the line every day,” Harwell said during Brown’s sentencing. “Unnecessarily Tasing someone is wrong, just wrong. … There’s no legitimate law enforcement conduct behind that.”

Walters and Franklin each pleaded guilty last October to one count of deprivation of rights under color of law for using unreasonable force, according to a release by the United States Department of Justice. The release says Walters and Brown were charged for their role in repeatedly using a Taser on a victim when she posed no threat to either officer.

According to case documents, during an arrest attempt, Walters used the Taser, which caused the victim to fall to the ground and injure her head. Once on the ground, Walters continued to use the Taser on her multiple times.

Documents state that Brown arrived at the scene a short time later and used the Taser on the victim even though restrained in handcuffs, sitting on the curb and surrounded by other officers.

Walters and Brown admitted in court there was no legitimate law enforcement purpose for repeatedly using the Taser on the victim. According to the release, they said she posed no threat to themselves or other officers on the scene.

The maximum penalties for their charges are up to 10 years in prison and $250,000 in fines.

Stay with the Morning News as we continue to develop the story.

Read more here:
Ex-South Carolina Sheriff Sentenced to 1 Year, 1 Day in Prison Mon, 27 Apr 2015 10:14:08 +0000
FILE - In this Dec. 30, 2014, file photo, former Lexington County Sheriff James Metts walks outside federal court in Columbia, S.C. Metts, who had been the state's longest-serving sheriff, was sentenced Monday, April 27, 2015, to one year and one day in prison after pleading guilty in a corruption scheme. (AP Photo/The State, Tracy Glantz, File)

FILE – In this Dec. 30, 2014, file photo, former Lexington County Sheriff James Metts walks outside federal court in Columbia, S.C. Metts, who had been the state’s longest-serving sheriff, was sentenced Monday, April 27, 2015, to one year and one day in prison after pleading guilty in a corruption scheme. (AP Photo/The State, Tracy Glantz, File)

The man who had been South Carolina’s longest-serving sheriff was sentenced Monday to one year and one day in prison after pleading guilty in a corruption scheme.

U.S. District Judge Terry Wooten also fined former Lexington County Sheriff James Metts $10,000.

Metts, 68, had been the county’s top lawman for more than four decades when he was indicted last year. Prosecutors said he took money from a restaurant owner in exchange for keeping employees from being arrested for being in the country illegally.

Originally indicted on 10 charges, Metts agreed late last year to plead guilty to harboring people who were in the country illegally.

Prosecutors and defense attorneys said they did not think Metts needed to go to prison. He previously reached a deal with prosecutors to plead guilty to one count — conspiracy to harbor certain aliens. The charge carried up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine, but it would have given Metts three years of probation instead.

Prosecutors said the agreement was fair because Metts stepped in only for two people charged with traffic offenses who had no criminal record.

But Wooten refused to accept the deal. Federal guidelines for that felony charge call for five months to 16 months in prison, and Wooten said it bothered him that Metts would not face any prison time.

Days later, Metts and prosecutors signed a second agreement making no mention of a sentence recommendation but also agreeing to drop the remaining nine counts if he cooperated.

In court Monday, Metts made an emotional plea to Wooten, saying that life as he knew it ended with his indictment and that he had already suffered severe punishment because of the shame of disappointing constituents, his family and supporters, several dozen of whom were in the courtroom.

“Being sheriff was my life,” Metts said. “I regret having made a mistake, but no man is perfect.”

Metts’ lawyers said their client’s age and multiple health issues, including diabetes and coronary artery disease, would make prison hard on Metts, and that it would be difficult — and expensive — for prison officials to administer his more than a dozen daily medications behind bars.

But Wooten disagreed, saying that federal prison officials are fully capable of attending to his health needs.

“I just don’t find that he’s elderly or infirm,” Wooten said. “Mr. Metts was the law. He was the sheriff. And his conduct did not promote for the law.”

Defense lawyers also lauded the former sheriff’s charitable accomplishments, saying that allowing him to serve probation with community service obligations would keep Metts out of prison and also help the community. Wooten said Metts’ record speaks for itself but wasn’t enough to keep him from serving any time in prison.

Metts, who was allowed to stay out of prison until he’s assigned a facility, told reporters after court that he was disappointed but respected the judge’s decision.

“I’m going to serve my time and put it behind me,” he said. “At least now we have closure.”

Metts was the eighth South Carolina sheriff to be charged or investigated while in office since 2010. Of that number, seven have pleaded guilty or been convicted, and another died while under investigation. Only three of those sheriffs have been sentenced to prison.

A ninth sheriff is facing drunken driving and hit-and-run charges.

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South Carolina Senate Bills Would Protect People Recording Cops Tue, 14 Apr 2015 10:23:47 +0000

Several South Carolina senators are supporting bills that would protect the rights of people who videotape police while on public property and require the State Law Enforcement Division to investigate every police involved shooting.

The proposals were introduced Tuesday, the first day the Senate has been in session since a North Charleston police officer was charged with murder in the killing of Walter Scott after he ran from a traffic stop on April 4.

Feidin Santana recorded the deadly shooting of Walter Scott

Feidin Santana recorded the deadly shooting of Walter Scott

Video of the killing was captured on a cell phone by Faidin Santana, who was walking by the incident while he was on his way to work.

Democratic Sen. Gerald Malloy of Hartsville says police shouldn’t be allowed to order someone to stop taping or seize their phone or delete their pictures if they are on public property or somewhere they should be.

Democratic Sen. Marlon Kimpson of Charleston says passing the bills would ensure Scott didn’t die in vain.

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